Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Helping Someone-Family Interventions

There are some people who accept help and change on their own. And there are some who need some help to decide whether or not they need help. Sometimes, family interventions can be that help. The order of events will usually follow as:  Preparation, Family Intervention Day, and Post-Intervention Day. The preparation starts when a family decides to have an intervention for a loved one. They must then get together people who will be part of that intervention and hold some meetings that will explain what will be done and how it will be done. Treatment options should be explored, as well as educating each other about the dysfunction that is at hand. The preparation stage may take one or two weeks. The next event-the actual intervention day-occurs when the family and friends get together and meet with the person who is abusing a substance. Here, people tell the user how much they (the user) means to them and how using the substance has affected them and the relationship they once had and they are asked if they will accept treatment. If they do, proper arrangements have already been made. If they do not, however, the user must understand that their relationships with their family will continue to suffer. Everyone should always be respectful and kind in the intervention; they should not be judgmental or argue. The last stage begins after the day of the intervention. Here, people follow up on their word to get help. Everyone would benefit from help to find out how to be supportive and how to get their relationship back to what it used to be with everyone because one person's substance abuse affects everyone's lives and their relationships with each other.
More information can be found at:  Family Intervention

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